Photo: "Amulet of Humanity"

The "Guardian of Humanity" project

The "Guardian of Humanity" project, initiated by the "Amulet of Humanity" public organization, is an international women's award created to honor women who have made a significant contribution to society. The main purpose of the award is to recognize and popularize the achievements of women in various fields of activity, especially in the context of modern challenges, such as the war in Ukraine.

The Berehynia Ludstva Award has four main nominations:

  • An influential woman of the world
  • Charity and patronage
  • The greatness of enlightenment
  • Unbreakable Ukrainian

The second awards ceremony will take place in November, and the organizers are calling for nominations of outstanding women for consideration by the jury. The award is also aimed at uniting women in the fight for Ukraine and attracting international support.